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All schools, community schools

CSLX works directly with districts, municipal agencies, community-based organizations, and the state-wide system of support to build and strengthen community school strategies.


At CSLX, we believe all young people deserve access to relationship-centered, supportive, and equitable school communities where learning is culturally-rooted, inclusive, rigorous, and relevant.

Community schools offer an opportunity to co-create with educators, students, families, community partners, and public agencies to transform the way we do school.

We need each other to succeed.

Set up your Community School Coordinator for success

CS Leaders: The Role of the Community School Coordinator is a two-part, virtual workshop designed to help participants understand the foundational components of what a Community School Coordinator (CSC) does. Join to develop a greater understanding of topics like shared leadership, inclusive decision making, and meaningful interest holder engagement.


Get the basics of CS development

The latest from the blog

A Q&A with Danielle Jordan, CSLX’s new Research & Policy Associate

Meet Danielle Jordan, CSLX's new Policy & Research Associate, in this Q&A.

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An illustrated image of a dark-haired woman with three fingers held up, a calendar, and the numbers, "1, 2, 3" in large text behind her.

Three ways to kick off your first year as a Community School Coordinator

Whether you're brand new to your school – or brand new to the CSC role – take these three tips on how to kick off your first year as a CSC.

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An illustrated image of a dark, curly-haired woman holding an envelope and dollar sign in one hand, and a question mark in the other.

So you got a CCSPP grant! Now what?

If your application was funded, a big congratulations! If you're wondering what comes next, we have a number of “pro tips” we’ve compiled just for you.

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